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Become a Lakes Jam Ambassador and earn free tickets, discounts, camping and more

Earn Free Passes


The Ambassador program opens every December. There are two types of Ambassadors and you can do both to get the most rewards.

Ticket Ambassadors can earn a 3-Day General Admission pass and other items for every ten tickets that are purchased using your personal Ambassador discount code.

This code is for peer-to-peer sharing, which means privately inviting (by email, text or in person) your friends and family to use your Ambassador discount code. They’ll save $10 and you’ll earn free tickets and more.

Use your link or put your code on the Lakes Jam business cards that we will supply to you.

Poster Ambassadors help us get posters out into the community. When you hang 30 posters, you’ll earn a 3-Day General Admission pass.

Get your posters by emailing us your name, email and mailing address so we can ship you the posters when they’re ready (usually January or February).

Hang them up only at locations that do not have one already and get all 30 up by May 15th.

Keep track of your posters’ locations with the name of the business, city and date that you hung them. Email us this list plus photos of the poster in at least 5 locations.

to signup 

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